Global Advertising Sales Staff

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NEJM and NEJM JW Sales Directors

Meg Ainley: (773) 383-8804
Corrie Bridgeman: (781) 775-1287
Andrew McGuire: (973) 771-8926
Linsey Rosenthal: (215) 740-3174

NEJM Print Production

(800) 635-6991 or (781) 893-3800
Email, Fax: (781) 893-5003
Anne Russ: (781) 434-7784
Lynn Ferguson: (781) 434-7036

NEJM and NEJM JW Online Production

Tony Hubbard: (781) 434-7550
Vanessa Wu: (781) 434-7043

NEJM Journal Watch Print Production

MJ Medas: (781) 434-7274
Peter Merchant: (781) 434-7745

Advertising Client Services

Rebecca Forge: (781) 434-7025
Beth O’Neill: (781) 434-7556
Phil Howard: (781) 434-7757
Amy Angelo: (781) 434-7020

Recruitment/Classified Advertising

NEJM CareerCenterEmail, (800) 635-6991


Reprints, (877) 241-7159


Permissions, (781) 434-7382

Corporate Site Licensing

Corporate Site Licensing, (781) 434-7041

Institutional Site Licensing

Institutional Site Licensing, (781) 434-7135